
How to became better at League of Legends | 2019 update

Feel stuck in the same plastic or wood division? No worries, I've been there too. You are not alone in this troll horror type of a thing that is called ranked game in low elo. This is how I became better at League and, of course, I am going to tell you why.
1. I played only three champions on three different roles. If you don't master at least three champions on at least three different champions, don't play ranked, because if you get autofilled, what would you do then? Ruin your game? Stay away until you master those three roles. I play Sona, Miss Fortune and Ahri, that means: support, adc and mid. Check my Sona guide
2. If someone bothers you or types too much, mute that person. This game is too intense and few seconds can lose you a game. Focus on the game, not on chat. You are not allowed to type more than three words.
3. Congratulate your team for what they achieve: a kill, a dragon, a flash from the enemy. You would be surprised how much impact positivity has during the game.
4. Try and focus on objectives, kills cannot bring you automatically a win. Since s8, during late game, their team can catch back on gold, and if their turrets are still up, the game can change its couse with few team fights.
Good luck, guys!

I can't grow on Twitch. How to grow on Twitch | 2019 guide

Since you are here, I presume you are still a small streamer looking for advice. Assuming you have an entertaining personality, a last generation computer and a high quality camera, you need to understand some technical details about Twitch and to know what you`re doing wrong.

I know before you got here, you reached so many videos and articles that are written by big streamers, telling you how they grew on Twitch. The problem with that is that their advice is no longer available nowadays. Why? Well, old streamers started doing this when the website wasn't that popular and there weren't too many people as a competition, but today there are hundreds of streamers and no one is gonna scroll so much to find you.

The worst advice popular streamers tell new ones is to stream everyday. Wrong. No one wants to stream for four hours for 0 viewers. It means you are wasting your time and then feel frustrated because no one shows up. Why? Because they cannot see you, not because you're no good enough.

It is important to understand that Twitch isn't a discoverable platform and what I mean is that people can't search your content. Also, they don't have the algorithm that Youtube has. If people, for example, watch 80% of one of your videos, that means the video is good and then YT is going to pop your video up because of its quality. Also, you are going to pop up because of likes or comments and it is also a discoverable platform because your title can match a unique search . It is way easier to grow on Youtube.

Therefore, once you decided you want to be a streamer, start a YT channel first and then bring that audience to your stream. I am telling you, it is way more effective to build a community this way than streaming everyday for no people.

Also, don't forget about other social media platforms, like: Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Create a dedicated account for those and use those goddamn hashtags and join gaming groups and start promoting yourself. Promote your YT channel or your Twitch there with a great short moment video. You will then earn from both platforms and widen your audience.  




Sona build for climbing in GOLD | League of Legends

   While I was writing the previous article, I thought you may want to know what build and items I use for Sona. Being in low elo, I could not rely on my team and play with defensive items and I decided to go full AP. Why is that?

   1) Q and its passive did tones of DAMAGE and I could easily harass.
   2) W did a lot of HEAL.
   3) Big impact in my team fights.
   4) E - Easy escape.
   5) CDR - which makes the enemy team afraid in fights



   Summon Aery is perfect for shielding and additional damage with your Q and passive. The enemy HP can drop significantly.

   ManaFlow Band helps you to spam abilities.

   Trandescence gets you cooldown which is very important on Sona or any other AP champion

   Gathering Storm increases your damage.

   Biscuit delivery in early game is perfect, because Sona needs sustain: mana and HP

   Cosmic Insight gives you even more cooldown

Therefore, Sona needs MANA, CDR, DAMAGE to be unstoppable. Once you go on CDR in your runes, you can focus more on DAMAGE items.


   The core item that you should have in your build is Lich Bane, because you deal more damage with your passive and you have more MANA and some AP. Personally, after boots, I build Rabadon`s Deathcap, because Sona needs to deal more DAMAGE and increase her HEAL in order to win team fights. 

   The next item is Luden`s Echo, because in team fights I spam my W and my MANA tends to get too low. Moreover, I use my abilities while I hit their turrets or inhibitors, because my passive deals more DAMAGE on objectives too which, again, it takes MANA.

   If you get in late game, the rest of my build depends or their team. When they have tank, I go for Magic Penetration (Morellonomicon/Void Staff). If they have a problematic AD or AP champions, I go for Armour (Zhonya`s Hourglass), or Magic Resist (Banshee`s Veil) and then an item with some HP like Rylai`s Crystal Scepter.


Silver and Bronze hard stuck? How to get into gold | League of Legends

Assuming you are reading this now, I presume you really want to climb next season. Guess what?! It`s not as difficult as you may think. The very first step is to be aware of your mistakes and honest with yourself. Trust me, you cannot be a challenger stuck in Silver V.
   I dare you to watch a ranked game in your history and, certainly, you will see a bad flash or moments when you would want to be there and do things differently. Therefore, watch at least three games with different positions. Keep those mistakes in mind and try to be better.
   The first change that I made in my silver ranked games was to avoid chat. Silvers are so toxic and they focus so much on flaming and proving themselves that they don`t focus on the game anymore. You probably may think that it`s not a big deal. Well, it is. Once I avoided typing and reading toxicity in chat, I felt relaxed more positive about myself. Your mental health is important in playing, because your brain is connected to your reactions.
   The second thing that I did was to pick an easy and OP champion, like Sona. She has tones of heal, movement speed and DAMAGE! Sona is a carry and a support, because I could literally one shot someone and save my entire team with two Ws. I also played Miss Fortune for her ultimate that does damage anyway. Every game I tried to farm more and more, because good farming gets you gold and gold gets you items that lead to winning.
   Therefore, watch you games and see by yourself what mistakes you need to fix. I will leave a link down below for the tips that I used to climb and see you next season in PLAT !

YT LINK for climbing each elo

CLICK HERE to check out my Runes and Build for Sona

How can I get a job with no experience?

   As a young little human, I`ve been so confused when I was looking for a job. I have always used platforms such as Ideed, Likedin, Monster etc. Almost every time I`ve found that dream job, eventually, I got disappointed because it required experience which I didn`t have.
   It`simportant to know that you need to be humble when looking for a job. If you don`t have any experience, you souldn`t expect to get your dream job so fast.
   Let me give you an exemple: every career has a path. You cannot be a manager for example when you have no experience. You should start with entry level jobs that can help you develop new skills.
   AsWhen I finished High School, my first job was a Data Entry Opertor. I was inserting data from one data base to another. Doesn`t seem that hard, does it? Then I worked in Sales... and now that I finished school, I am in a Human Resources Internship.
   What I want to conclude is that little jobs can help you get new skills for bigger jobs.


How to change your hair color naturally

   It is known that dyeing your hair all the time can affect your health. The most dangerous is when a person passes from black to blonde. What I am going to suggest is not so efficient as a hair dye, but it will be a difference. It does not affect your hair.
   For brown or blonde hair, it can be used chamomile tea to make it brighter. Make 3 L of tea, wait for it to cool and then keep your hair in it for 3 minutes. You should stay without washing it 4 hours.
   To obtain a reddish color, not so intense, you should use red onion as above. It is going to work on blonde or brown hair. If you want to have a darker hair, you should use green nuts. It is needed just the peel for your tea. My natural hair is dark blonde with reddish reflections and what I suggested you above it worked for me.
Enjoy !


Religion and sex

WARNING: This content is just for information, you don`t have to agree with it. I don`t want to create conflicts. It`s just my opinion.
Since decades, religion remains one of the most powerful institution. I do not say that religion is bad, to be clear, I think it must be changed. We live in a world where technology is so fast and people tend to be so open. You can search for everything with one click. So, through articles about sex, we found out that sex is for pleasure (religion denies), sex before marriage (religion does not accept), sex with different partners, maybe in the same time (religion can go crazy). What I will never understand is why such a normal action should be forbidden? We are designed to perform this act, not to live in a taboo sad life. Is sad because so many people live in religion and they can`t enjoy their life for real. 
It is ok to believe that there is a God that takes care of you somehow and makes you feel safe, but the rules and their story about Hell must be changed. We need logical rules.
But trust me, you won`t go to hell if you have sex for pleasure. God likes happiness or not?