
Sona build for climbing in GOLD | League of Legends

   While I was writing the previous article, I thought you may want to know what build and items I use for Sona. Being in low elo, I could not rely on my team and play with defensive items and I decided to go full AP. Why is that?

   1) Q and its passive did tones of DAMAGE and I could easily harass.
   2) W did a lot of HEAL.
   3) Big impact in my team fights.
   4) E - Easy escape.
   5) CDR - which makes the enemy team afraid in fights



   Summon Aery is perfect for shielding and additional damage with your Q and passive. The enemy HP can drop significantly.

   ManaFlow Band helps you to spam abilities.

   Trandescence gets you cooldown which is very important on Sona or any other AP champion

   Gathering Storm increases your damage.

   Biscuit delivery in early game is perfect, because Sona needs sustain: mana and HP

   Cosmic Insight gives you even more cooldown

Therefore, Sona needs MANA, CDR, DAMAGE to be unstoppable. Once you go on CDR in your runes, you can focus more on DAMAGE items.


   The core item that you should have in your build is Lich Bane, because you deal more damage with your passive and you have more MANA and some AP. Personally, after boots, I build Rabadon`s Deathcap, because Sona needs to deal more DAMAGE and increase her HEAL in order to win team fights. 

   The next item is Luden`s Echo, because in team fights I spam my W and my MANA tends to get too low. Moreover, I use my abilities while I hit their turrets or inhibitors, because my passive deals more DAMAGE on objectives too which, again, it takes MANA.

   If you get in late game, the rest of my build depends or their team. When they have tank, I go for Magic Penetration (Morellonomicon/Void Staff). If they have a problematic AD or AP champions, I go for Armour (Zhonya`s Hourglass), or Magic Resist (Banshee`s Veil) and then an item with some HP like Rylai`s Crystal Scepter.


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