
Should I vote?

It`s amazing the fact that many young people from the powerful UK started to revolt upon the old people who apparently influenced their future out of the EU. They seem to question why an old lady who is 90 years old can vote and a 16 teenager can`t. Well, the answer will be always the same. The possibility of being an experienced person. Unfair, isn`t it? However, how women could manage to obtain the right to vote eventually, as well old people who are older than 60 won`t be allowed to vote, hypothetically speaking.
Therefore, a rate of 75 % of young English people have chosen to remain in EU, but, doubtlessly, it wasn`t enough. Anyway, they refused to be indifferent and they posted clips, articles and so on, having relevant arguments for their cause. For example, they consider that being out of EU would affect the education, the tourism and the economy. As well, they are afraid of the unknown and what will happen with their life. Some of them consider that could fail in their career abroad because it would be so hard for them to travel in EU and to be accepted, of course. The theory that suggests the interdiction for old people to vote can be easily interpreted. The age should not be a criterion. Essentially,it is to be considered that the education should be important when we think about voting. In so many countries it is allowed even to illiterate people to vote. And what do we do about it?

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