
Religion and sex

WARNING: This content is just for information, you don`t have to agree with it. I don`t want to create conflicts. It`s just my opinion.
Since decades, religion remains one of the most powerful institution. I do not say that religion is bad, to be clear, I think it must be changed. We live in a world where technology is so fast and people tend to be so open. You can search for everything with one click. So, through articles about sex, we found out that sex is for pleasure (religion denies), sex before marriage (religion does not accept), sex with different partners, maybe in the same time (religion can go crazy). What I will never understand is why such a normal action should be forbidden? We are designed to perform this act, not to live in a taboo sad life. Is sad because so many people live in religion and they can`t enjoy their life for real. 
It is ok to believe that there is a God that takes care of you somehow and makes you feel safe, but the rules and their story about Hell must be changed. We need logical rules.
But trust me, you won`t go to hell if you have sex for pleasure. God likes happiness or not?

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