
Silver and Bronze hard stuck? How to get into gold | League of Legends

Assuming you are reading this now, I presume you really want to climb next season. Guess what?! It`s not as difficult as you may think. The very first step is to be aware of your mistakes and honest with yourself. Trust me, you cannot be a challenger stuck in Silver V.
   I dare you to watch a ranked game in your history and, certainly, you will see a bad flash or moments when you would want to be there and do things differently. Therefore, watch at least three games with different positions. Keep those mistakes in mind and try to be better.
   The first change that I made in my silver ranked games was to avoid chat. Silvers are so toxic and they focus so much on flaming and proving themselves that they don`t focus on the game anymore. You probably may think that it`s not a big deal. Well, it is. Once I avoided typing and reading toxicity in chat, I felt relaxed more positive about myself. Your mental health is important in playing, because your brain is connected to your reactions.
   The second thing that I did was to pick an easy and OP champion, like Sona. She has tones of heal, movement speed and DAMAGE! Sona is a carry and a support, because I could literally one shot someone and save my entire team with two Ws. I also played Miss Fortune for her ultimate that does damage anyway. Every game I tried to farm more and more, because good farming gets you gold and gold gets you items that lead to winning.
   Therefore, watch you games and see by yourself what mistakes you need to fix. I will leave a link down below for the tips that I used to climb and see you next season in PLAT !

YT LINK for climbing each elo

CLICK HERE to check out my Runes and Build for Sona

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